So. You can’t seem to stop thinking? How about not being able to think about anything at the same time? The struggle with organizing is finding a balance and refocusing your mind’s system of processing events, actions, or thoughts. This blog post is my experience on re-centering my mind consistently to be more organized.
What I mentioned about about struggling is actually defined as decision fatigue. Ryder Carroll talks about decluttering your mind in the Tedtalk posted in 2017. (
What he talks about was founded off his childhood disorder. With ADD he used the bullet journal system that helped him push through his struggles. While I have tried to use that type of journaling, it didn’t end up being something I stuck with. I did try to use it, but there was a lot more creative freedom and not a particular structure, which I think my mind needs. However, after listening to his speech, I do believe his journaling style would really benefit anyone struggling with ADD or ADHD. I am not diagnosed with either, but many of loved ones are or possible are.
Mindful Decision Making and Organizing your Thoughts
Being human means thinking. And thinking can turn into worry or disorganization. It is a rough cycle to continue when all you want to do is be productive. With so many thoughts going through your mind, it may be hard to make decision or actually utilize the time in your day. The question is: How do you become more mindful and create a decluttered space for your thoughts?
What works for me, is writing out my notes. I have wrote about note taking before and creating lists, but the list I’m about to explain now is the list that will help day to day activities become more organized and functional.
First, write your list of To Dos. Whether it be something to do the day of or everyday or in the future. Write it down. Once everything imaginable is wrote down, you can start to cross things off that really aren’t important or necessary.
For me, I like to grab my phone and utilize my resources. Start with your notes, either on your phone or on a sheet of paper, and look through what you wrote down. Some things you will start to see are things you “think” need to be done.
Other things are more vital like, sitting down and looking through your finances. You can live without going to that one retail store for that one item you thought you needed. Honestly, it’ll probably end up in that junk closet everyone refuses to open or a random kitchen tool you’ll never use. [All of which I will make another post about :)]
If you’re like me, you worry so much that you don’t actually get anything done. Your mind is fuzzy by the end of the day and it turns out, you didn’t complete anything you really needed to.
The resolution of your struggle is sifting through your list, ultimately your mind, and figuring out whether or not what you wrote done is vital or a want. The mind works overtime so much that it takes a strong person, to stop and actually focus on what NEEDS to be down. You want to be productive? Give your mind a reset every day or a minimum, one a week. Don’t let your mind and thoughts consume you so much that it becomes a unconscious decision to fail at what you wanted to complete.
Organize and be Mindful
I told you the solution. Here’s my example (My list):
- Grocery Store
- Plan for the beach trip
Buy nail supplies- Buy a printer
- Look through my finances
- Apply for new jobs
- Organize my “junk” closet
Buy supplies for organization- Go through and donate items
Go shopping of summer- Get my car washed
Buy items for my car to style it- Journal
Personalize my phone and iPad, again
So lets dive deeper. Up above I have written my own short list to create a visual example of what I’m talking about. The most noticeable items on my list, are the ones crossed out. These are the times I honestly could get rid and LET GO. I need to lets these items go out of my mind so that I can focus on present day actions I could be taking. I don’t have to buy anything to be organize. I don’t have to use any of my time to “re-personalize” my phone. I can let those things go for right now. If I deem them important enough, then I can touch back in a few days or even a couple of weeks.
Now the second noticeable items are the bold print. These are the actions I find to be some of the most important items on my list. I want to focus a lot of my energy on these because they’re the most beneficial. Yes, I really would benefit from looking into my finances. It would absolutely ease my mind. Journaling would clear my mind DAILY. Actually taking the time to find a new job, would almost clear my mind of worries.
The normal typed items on my list on things that I don’t want to get rid, but don’t have to happen right now in order for me to feel accomplished in my day. At least not present day. They’re almost like the crossed out items I mentioned that could be represented if thought about enough. For example, I can’t buy a printer right now without getting a new job, buy buying a printer is important to me. It would help with school, PRIDE, and my blogging.
Lastly, the italicized items are things to get done today. They’re thinking on my daily to do list. They would stay on this list, but I would focus on them more when I wrote down my daily to do list. They’re items that should last long on this specific mindful list.
Be mindful for yourself. You deserve time to a little selfcare. I have friends and family to look after me, but at the end of the day, my mind is my own. I have to create a comforting space for myself to function and to think clearly. My mind isn’t perfect at all, but I am learning to wield it more positively. It takes time and I want to get better. Be nice to YOUR mind.
Maybe journaling isn’t something to look at as a task. Make it a hobby. Either way, find something that brings you to a comforted state and write this kind of list. Break the list down in importance and filter out what it holding you back. You can do it.